What is a house in horoscope ?

houses, astrology, zodiac
The house in horoscope, also known as “bhavas” or “sthanas’ in Sanskrit, are the outer indication of Zodiac signs that reveal a person’s nature, career path, love life and much more. Each zodiac sign has a house assigned and the houses are calculated based on the time of birth.

Different Styles of Houses
In Vedic astrology, the houses are always identical to the 30-degrees of a sign whereas in the western astrology, the signs may span over two houses, forming a cusp.

 In Vedic astrology itself, the houses can be further distinguished in North and South Horoscope styles.To know how to cast a horoscope go here. The houses in South Indian Horoscope styles are always of same size, whereas the sizes differ in North Indian Horoscope style – with 4 houses in middle being of diamond shape and other houses of triangle shape.
Let us understand what each house symbolizes to understand how they influence a person’s life.

·         The First House
Also known as “lagnasthan”, the first house determines how long you will live, how healthy you will be and what will be your appearance like. It also shows how your birth will affect your siblings and friends.

·         The Second House
The Second House or the “dhanasthan” (House of Wealth) or “kutumbsthan” (House of Family) indicates your financial position, materialistic possessions, family life and understanding with them, early age, fluency of speech, right eye, legal standing and inheritance.

·         The Third House
This house is also known as “bhatrusthan” (House of Brother / Sister) or “parakramsthan” (House of Accomplishments) and denotes your relationship with your siblings as well your courage, intelligence and academic skills.

·         The Fourth House
This house is known as “matrusthan” (House of Mother) and “sukhasthan” (House of Happiness), so it denotes your relationship with mother, inheritance and overall happiness.

·         The Fifth House
Also known as “vidyasthan” (House of Academics) and “putrasthan” (House of Son), this house reflects your relationship with your children and intellectual as well as academic status.

·         The Sixth House
This house is about the enemies, service, servants, relatives on father’s side, mental worries, obstacles, debts, food and thefts or calamities.

·         The Seventh House
Relationship with spouse, sexual health and happiness, marriage life, divorce, honour in foreign lands are all determined from the seventh house.

·         The Eighth House
This house reflects death, diseases, imprisonment, illicit earnings, dowry and gains from in laws.

·         The Ninth House
Known as “bhagyasthan” (House of Fortune), it is the house in which most people are interested. It indicates, prosperity, wisdom, power of foresightedness, religious tendencies, foreign travel and fame.

·         The Tenth House
This house is also very important as it indicates relationship with father, career or business, status, pleasures, respect, power, and government favour.

·         The Eleventh House
The “labhasthan” (House of Benefit) denotes benefits received from siblings, friends or social activities.

·         The Twelfth House
The “vyayasthan” (House of Wastage) reflects illicit affairs, law suits, imprisonment, hospitalization and all possible ways that lead to wastage of wealth.

To know Importance of place of birth in astrology click here.

To know what is Indian national calendar click here.

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