Relevance of Planet, House and Rashi in a Chart

A chart is the pictorial representation of planetary positions at the time of birth of the native. Although native lives on earth but nine planets of the universe have a remarkable effect on him. Every planet is associated with a particular amount of energy and that energy is released during particular duration called the Dasha and the results are always in correspondence to the house in which that particular planet is placed. Planets can be categorized into Personal planets and Collective planets.
 Personal planets travel through one zodiac sign to another within short duration of time and release their energies with great variability. These include the Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus and Mars. Whereas, the collective planets travel at relatively slower rate and they possess the ability to influence many generations of the native.

There are 12 houses in a chart and all of them represent different aspects of one’s life.
 1st house represents personality of the native in general.
2nd one represents social life and wealth related issues.
3rd one indicates position of siblings and longevity.
 4th house represents life at home, relationship with mother, emotional stability and pleasures from land and conveyance.
 5th house indicates intelligence, education and children of the native.
6th house indicates presence of any enemy, debts or illness during the life span of native.
7th house indicates status of married life and success of partnership in any field.
8th house indicates death related issues or occultism.
9th one indicates luck and unmerited awards during lifetime.
10th house indicates profession, relationship with government and status in life.
11th house indicates income and gains and also the social life of the native.
12th indicates the money outflow which can be due to any reason.

Rashi in a chart is actually the moon sign. Moon controls the psychology or emotions of an individual. So, Rashi is important in context of five senses, emotions and feelings according to its placement in the chart. Each moon sign belongs to one of the five elements say earth, fire, water and air and possess characteristics corresponding to them. Each Rashi is denoted by a particular symbol.
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